Clicking on the following links or images will take you to the movie collections of the directors covered in this section:

As described on the home page for English Movies, the 1980s marked the beginning of the contemporary period of making and distributing movies, when for the first time one was not restricted to a theater but could also movies at home (first on VCRs and later on DVDs).  Concurrent with this trend was the emergence of many new movie franchises, though a few (such as James Bond and the Pink Panther) had already started earlier.  In the 2000s, a new way of watching movies emerged in the form of streaming, and this has now gone mainstream and completely transformed the movie industry yet again.  The period combining all these trends is what I call the ‘Modern Hollywood’.

This section covers the films of many of the notable directors of Modern Hollywood.  The links above (listed in alphabetical order) will take you to the collected works of these directors.  The male stars, female stars and character actors from the same period are covered in three companion sections.