Clicking on the following links or images will take you to the Hindi movie collections of the filmmakers covered in this section:

The latter part of the Golden Age of Hindi Movies saw the rise of many other talented filmmakers: Basu Chatterjee, G.P. Sippy, Gulzar, Prakash Mehra, Rajshri Productions (led by Tarachand Barjatya), Salim-Javed (the only screenwriters in this group) and Shyam Benegal.

This prolific group of producers, directors and screenwriters collectively created an extraordinary collection of high-quality Hindi movies movies which will last through the ages.  The links above (listed in alphabetical order) will take you to the collected works of these filmmakers.  Other filmmakers who made their debut in the early part of the Golden Age (1949-1960) are covered in a companion section.