This is a list of Superman stories drawn by Curt Swan (with GEMs highlighted).  The list includes links for the following: (a) Wiki page (from the Grand Comics Database, or GCD), (b) e-book (available upon request), and (c) More info on each comic (via optional posts by various contributors).

Please note that the list is sortable by each column.  (Multiple levels of sorting are possible by sorting more than one column in succession, from lowest to highest.)  You can also do an instant filtering of the table by entering a character string in the ‘Search’ field.

Curt Swan was the definitive Superman artist whose career spanned five decades, from the 1940s to the 1990s.  Despite being a prolific illustrator who drew hundreds of Superman stories and covers in the Golden, Silver and Bronze Ages (and even a few in the Modern Age!), his work was of a consistently high standard which has never been matched.  Unlike most other comic-book artists, Curt Swan was mainly a penciller, and he was ably assisted by many talented inkers: Stan Kaye, George Klein and Sheldon Moldoff during the Golden/Silver Age, and Murphy Anderson, Jack Abel and George Roussos during the Bronze Age.

Curt Swan was a superlative artist whose depiction of Superman was more heroic and noble than any other artist’s, before or since.  One of my favorite quotes about Curt Swan: “Under his hand, a legend soared to unprecedented heights.”  He is rightly called the Norman Rockwell of Comics, and I consider him the greatest comic-book illustrator of all time, not just for Superman but in the entire comic-book universe.

While the other two artists usually pencilled and inked their stories, Curt Swan was mostly a penciller.  In addition to pencilling many superb Superman stories, he also pencilled the vast majority of covers for the entire family of Superman comics during the Silver Age, with the able assistance of inkers Stan Kaye, George Klein and Sheldon Moldoff.  [Note: I have not included the numerous Superman comics with Curt Swan covers on my list, since it would include virtually every comic published during the Silver Age; only the comics with story art by Curt Swan are included.

Please share any comments or suggestions on this list by filling out this form.  You can use the same form to express interest in becoming a contributor to the site and also request downloadable e-files for the comics books listed below.