This is a complete list of daily comic strips featuring the Phantom (with GEMs highlighted).  The list includes links for the following: (a) Wiki page (from the PhantomWiki site), (b) e-book (available upon request), and (c) More info on each comic (via optional posts by various contributors).

Please note that the list is sortable by each column. (Multiple levels of sorting are possible by sorting more than one column in succession, from lowest to highest.)  You can also do an instant filtering of the table by entering a character string in the ‘Search’ field.

Unlike most other super-heroes, the Phantom has appeared primarily in newspaper strips rather than comic books.  Most Phantom comic books contain slightly reformatted/rearranged versions of the newspaper stories, though there are a few original stories that have been created directly for comic books.  There are two categories of Phantom newspaper strips: (a) daily stories (usually in black and while) and (b) Sunday stories (usually in color).  These two categories of strips generally follow independent story arcs, though sometimes when there is a major milestone (such as the Phantom getting married), both strips share a common storyline.  In the list below, I have included every original Phantom daily story ever published.

Considering his long writing career of 60+ years, Lee Falk partnered with relatively few artists for his newspaper strips, as they each had very long tenures.  The first newspaper strips featuring the Phantom were drawn by Ray Moore, who started as an assistant to artist Phil Davis on Falk’s Mandrake strip.  In 1949, Moore was succeeded by Wilson McCoy, who drew the strip until his death in 1961.  The artwork was then taken over by Sy Barry, who became the definitive Phantom artist and whose portrayal of the Phantom is the most recognizable and set the standard for all the others who followed.  After Barry retired in 1994, various other artists took over the artwork for the strips.  It is noteworthy that for the six decades following his introduction, the Phantom strips were written by their creator Lee Falk and drawn by just three artists, each with his own unique style: Ray Moore, Wilson McCoy and Sy Barry.

Please share any comments or suggestions on this list by filling out this form.  You can use the same form to express interest in becoming a contributor to the site and also request downloadable e-files for the comics books listed below.