This is a complete list of Harvey comics featuring Spooky (with GEMs highlighted).  For each comic listed, there are links to the following: (a) Wiki page (from the Grand Comics Database, or GCD), (b) e-book (available upon request), and (c) More info on each comic (via optional posts by various contributors).  [Note: In some cases where there is a set of consecutive issues listed as one entry, the Wiki link takes you to the first issue in the set, and the ‘Next Issue’ link will take you to the later issues.]

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Spooky (“the Tuff Little Ghost”) made his debut in 1953 as a supporting character in Casper #10.  He is Casper’s cousin, although their exact relationship is not clear.  The character is a mischievous ghost who enjoys playing pranks and scaring people.  For the most part, Spooky looks like Casper, except for freckles, a derby hat and a large, black nose.  Two years after his debut, Spooky got his own Harvey title in 1955, which lasted for 25 years.  The authorship of most of the Spooky stories is not clear, though it is known that Warren Kremer, Sid Jacobson and Howard (‘Howie’) Post all contributed to developing the character.

Spooky is written with a Brooklyn accent, for example calling his girlfriend and fellow ghost Pearl “Poil” and his iconic derby hat “doiby”.  Most of his adventures stem from his irresistible urge to scare people (as well as animals and things), which his girlfriend frowns upon.  The Spooky stories were a stark contrast to those featuring Casper, where the latter was always trying to do good, and many young readers could relate to Spooky’s adventures and found them exciting.  Spooky’s popularity led to several spin-off series including Spooky: Spooktown and Tuff Ghosts Starring Spooky.  A cover gallery of Spooky comics can be found here.

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