This is a complete list of Sad Sack comics published by Harvey (with GEMs highlighted).  For each comic listed, there are links to the following: (a) Wiki page (from the Grand Comics Database, or GCD), (b) e-book (available upon request), and (c) More info on each comic (via optional posts by various contributors).  [Note: In some cases where there is a set of consecutive issues listed as one entry, the Wiki link takes you to the first issue in the set, and the ‘Next Issue’ link will take you to the later issues.]

Please note that the list is sortable by each column. (Multiple levels of sorting are possible by sorting more than one column in succession, from lowest to highest.)  You can also do an instant filtering of the table by entering a character string in the ‘Search’ field.

Sad Sack is Harvey’s earliest and longest-running character, a hapless soldier always getting into trouble.  He was created by George Baker for comic strips published during WW II.  The Sad Sack comic book debuted in 1949, but the first 11 issues were reprinted comic strips.  Sad Sack #12 (1951) was the first issue with original stories.  Also, Sad Sack was a civilian in the first 21 issues (since WW II had ended), but re-enlisted in the military in issue #22 and remained there for the rest of his comics history.  The majority of the comic books throughout Sad Sack’s long run were written and drawn by his creator George Baker, though several other cartoonists such as Fred Rhoads also contributed to shaping the character.

Sad Sack is known for his bumbling nature and bad luck, and most of his stories center around his misadventures with his peers and superiors and his attempts to navigate the challenges of military life.  In most of the stories, Sad Sack appeared with the Sarge, his superior who was constantly annoyed with him.  A new series titled Sad Sack & the Sarge was launched in 1957; it was as popular as the original title and continued for over 25 years.  Some other supporting characters in the Sad Sack comics were his buddies Slob and Hi-Fi, General Rockjaw (always wearing dark glasses), his female cousin Sadie Sack and his hillbilly uncle Ol’ Sod Sack.  There were numerous spin-offs from the main title, including Sad Sack’s Funny Friends, Sad Sack’s Army Life Parade, Sad Sack Laugh Special and Sad Sad Sack.  A cover gallery of Sad Sack comics can be found here.

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