This is a selection of Combat Picture Library comics published by Micron (with GEMs highlighted).  For each comic listed, there are links to the following: (a) Wiki page (from the Grand Comics Database, or GCD), (b) e-book (available upon request), and (c) More info on each comic (via optional posts by various contributors).

Please note that the list is sortable by each column. (Multiple levels of sorting are possible by sorting more than one column in succession, from lowest to highest.)  You can also do an instant filtering of the table by entering a character string in the ‘Search’ field.

Combat Picture Library has a special place in the annals of British comics history.  It was an enthralling comic book that captured the imaginations of readers with its gripping war stories.  Published by Micron, the series made its debut to eager audiences in the late 1950s and lasted for more than three-and-a-half decades, numbering over 1,200 issues.  With its powerful narratives of heroism, sacrifice, and the human spirit amid the backdrop of war, the series quickly gained a devoted following after its introduction.  As the years passed, Combat Picture Library continued to evolve, reflecting changing times and perspectives, while retaining its authenticity and emotional impact.  This enduring comic series holds a special place in British comic history, cherished by readers for its powerful storytelling and lasting contributions to the war genre.

Please share any comments or suggestions on this list by filling out this form.  You can use the same form to express interest in becoming a contributor to the site and also request downloadable e-files for the comics books listed below.