This is a selection of notable plays written by George Bernard Shaw (with GEMs highlighted).  The list includes links for several associated items which may be available online for each book: (a) Wikipedia page, (b) e-book, and (c) audiobook.  There is also a column called “More info” with links to optional posts on each book.

George Bernard Shaw is considered to be one of the greatest playwrights ever, second only to Shakespeare in the esteem of many literary critics.  He was also a master of the art of writing essays, and most of his plays include an elegantly written preface expressing his strongly held opinions on many subjects in immaculate English.  These prefaces are truly a joy to read, even if one doesn’t always agree with Shaw’s views.  Among Shaw’s most famous plays is Pygmalion, which was not only successful in its own right but also was the basis for the wildly popular musical play My Fair Lady.  (Both Pygmalion and My Fair Lady were also made into very successful Hollywood movies.)

Note that some of Shaw’s plays were not performed on the stage until well after they were written or published, and conversely some of his plays were not published until many years after they were performed.  That’s why there are separate columns for the year-performed and the year-published in the list below.

Note that the list is sortable by each column. (Multiple levels of sorting are possible by sorting more than one column in succession, from lowest to highest.)  You can also do an instant filtering of the table by entering a character string in the ‘Search’ field.

Please share any comments or suggestions on this list by filling out this form.  You can use the same form to express interest in becoming a contributor to the site and also request downloadable PDF files for many of the books below.

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