Links to the works by W. Somerset Maugham covered in this section:

Books     Short Stories     Plays


W. Somerset Maugham was one of the most prolific and versatile authors of literary fiction who ever lived, turning out novels, short stories and plays in almost equal measure (as well as a significant number of non-fiction works).  Despite his prolific output, he maintained a consistent quality in his work throughout a career spanning more than 60 years.

Because Maugham is my favorite writer in the genre of literature/general fiction, he is the only author in this category with his own section.  His stories are generally easy to read, with characters who are relatable and plots that keep you interested until the end.  There are often twists and turns of irony in his tales, usually with a moral or philosophical message at the end.

It is interesting that Maugham was considered for the Nobel Prize in Literature, but apparently he was rejected by the committee because he was “too popular”.  This says more about the Nobel Prize selection process than it does about Maugham’s deservedness.  I would take the preferences of the reading public over the the tastes of a highbrow literary committee any time.

That’s one of the reasons I have relatively few books by Nobel Prize winners on my lists.  Though these authors are admired by critics, their works are often boring and not read very widely.  Maugham is one of the few writers who maintains high literary quality while maintaining one’s interest in his stories, which is why his books have stood the test of time.