Clicking on the following links or images will take you to the non-fiction book collections covered in this section.

Infobooks & Biographies:

Other Non-Fiction:

Combined Lists:


Non-fiction books are a very large category, and there is a wide variety of works to choose from.  Although my taste in books leans heavily towards fiction, there are quite a few non-fiction books that I enjoy as well.  In this section, I have selected and classified a set of books that line up with my personal interests and background.  I hope many of these will also be of general interest to the visitors to this site!

The books on my list include biographies and infobooks covering a variety of subjects which parallel the sections of this website: Hindi and English movies, Hindi film music, book authors and comic books.  I find it fascinating to read the backstories in these books about how the luminaries in these various fields created the amazing works of art that can be found on this website.

In addition to the above-mentioned books, there are general biographies/autobiographies of notable people, historical narratives, and memoirs and travelogues.  There are also guidebooks on education and cultural literacy as well as almanacs and other reference books.

I have included a section on science, technology & math, consisting of popular-science books, references and textbooks.  Of the vast number of such books to choose from, I have selected those books which made a deep impression on me during the course of my life and career.   In particular, the choice of textbooks reflects my own chosen fields of science and technology, particularly chemical engineering, electronics and semiconductor devices.

Next, there is a section covering books on philosophy and psychology, including works on self-help and religion.  Some of these books such as The Road Less Traveled and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People have had a deep influence on me as I have navigated through my life and career.

The section on English vocabulary, grammar and style includes reference books (such as dictionaries and thesauruses), textbooks, and monographs (plus one bonus book on French).  The list also includes some dictionaries and style guides going back in time, which have been seminal works in the development of the English language.

Finally, there is a ‘miscellaneous’ section which includes essays, monographs and textbooks covering a wide variety of subjects such as politics/world affairs, business, finance, the environment, futures studies, Indian history and traditions, as well as some collections of short sketches which are funny or inspirational (or both).

All in all, this section contains a diverse compilation of book lists that covers practically any subject of interest to visitors to this website.  Happy browsing!